Sunday, June 3, 2018

Technical Tip #15 - Technical Tip of the JavaExpertHelp –

T15: Knowledge Tip Of The Day....
Non-access Modifier ::
Non-access modifiers do not change the accessibility of variables and methods, but they do provide them special properties. Non-access modifiers are of 5 types,
1) Final
2) Static
3) Transient
4) Synchronized
5) Volatile
Final :
Final modifier is used to declare a field as final i.e. it prevents its content from being modified. Final field must be initialized when it is declared. Final keyword can be used with a variable, a method or a class.
Static Modifier :
Static Modifiers are used to create class variable and class methods which can be accessed without instance of a class. Lets study how it works with variables and member functions.
Transient modifier :
When an instance variable is declared as transient, then its value doesn't persist when an object is serialized
Synchronized modifier :
When a method is synchronized it can be accessed by only one thread at a time. We will discuss it in detail in Thread.
Volatile modifier :
Volatile modifier tells the compiler that the volatile variable can be changed unexpectedly by other parts of your program. Volatile variables are used in case of multithreading program. volatile keyword cannot be used with a method or a class. It can be only used with a variable.

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