Inheritance is one of the
key features of Object Oriented Programming. Inheritance provided mechanism
that allowed a class to inherit property of another class. When a Class extends
another class it inherits all non-private members including fields and methods.
Inheritance in Java can be best understood in terms of Parent and Child
relationship, also known as Super class(Parent) and Sub class(child) in Java
Inheritance defines is-a
relationship between a Super class and its Sub class. extends and implements
keywords are used to describe inheritance in Java.
Purpose of Inheritance ::
It promotes the code
reusabilty i.e the same methods and variables which are defined in a
parent/super/base class can be used in the child/sub/derived class.
It promotes polymorphism by allowing method overriding.
It promotes polymorphism by allowing method overriding.
Types of Inheritance in
Single Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Heirarchical Inheritance
Single Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Heirarchical Inheritance
Why multiple inheritance is
not supported in Java?
To remove ambiguity.
To provide more maintainable and clear design.
To remove ambiguity.
To provide more maintainable and clear design.
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